Do you ever feel that you aren’t good enough? Do you ever feel that you don’t have enough time to do what you have to? Does it ever feel as if the world is out of balance? I certainly do!
So, after several years of exploring these things – personally and with clients – I’m finally writing my book – ‘The Art of Enough: how to find balance from the inside out’ and I’d love your help. Here’s what it’s about.
There are three areas of imbalance for twenty-first century leaders that I have noticed from 20 years of coaching:
- ART 1 – Being enough – this can manifest as ‘imposter syndrome’, a lack of inner confidence, perfectionism. It is usually coming from a sense of ‘not enough’.
- ART 2 – Doing enough – navigating overwhelming complexity, digital demand and volume – how to be productive and thrive. This is usually coming from a sense of ‘too much’.
- ART 3 – Having enough – leading sustainably, managing production and consumption in the context of climate emergency. An imbalance here is often driven by a sense of ‘not enough’ and can lead to ‘too much’.
I believe that they are all connected – balancing deficit and sufficiency is required for inner dialogue, outer resilience and external resource consumption – and that for 21st century leaders this is essential. We need to cultivate an ’enough’ mindset that works from the inside out and outside in. So that we can all learn to thrive and achieve balance together.
Here’s what I’d love your help with.
The art of Enough is exploring each of these ‘arts’ – with practical tools and techniques in each area. I’ll be focussing on each one separately over the next few weeks. And that’s where I’m reaching out for your thoughts, experiences and stories…
- If you would like to join the conversation about ‘enough’ – for you or your clients – please do – and share with others who might want to as well. I’m hoping to build a community of thinking around how we can all develop the art of enough in our lives. Please leave your comments here. I’ll be reading everyone’s thoughts with gratitude.
- If you would like to be more actively involved and can share stories that could be used in the book, please either share them here or email me – beckyhall@presence.uk.net. I’d love to hear from people about what they do to find ‘enough’ in their lives. Anything I use will be either anonymised or accredited according to what you prefer.
- Please share with those who you think would be interested to join the conversation. The more the merrier as they say. I really look forward to what we can learn from each other to get ourselves and our world back in kilter!