Is your fear of being disliked holding you back?
As a leadership coach and consultant, I frequently hear people in business saying things like ‘he wants to be liked too much to be a good leader’. This comes from the perception that wanting to be...
As a leadership coach and consultant, I frequently hear people in business saying things like ‘he wants to be liked too much to be a good leader’. This comes from the perception that wanting to be...
Summer is often a time when things slow down a little – colleagues, clients and business contacts take their well-earned breaks, meaning that there is a natural lull in productivity for a lot of sec...
Burnout as a leadership phenomenon has been on the rise over the past few years, and for some people in some sectors, working too hard is still seen as a badge of honour. Modern day leaders face unpr...
Comparisonitus is the all-too-common addiction that so many of us have when we can’t stop comparing ourselves with other people – and like most addictions it is not healthy. When we compare ou...
So often in our lives we find ourselves coming from a place of scarcity - we don’t have what we want, things aren’t going as well as we’d like. ...
Quite rightly there is a lot of focus on creating safe work places these days, inspired by our better understanding of psychological safety and neurobiology. As human beings we are hard wired to be vi...
Focus your attention on all the things you bring. Write down your three top strengths and how useful they will be to the role you are starting. e.g. “I’m really efficient” or, “I’m really fr...
Imposter syndrome is the inner, often secret conviction that despite our experience, skills and qualifications, we’re somehow just good enough for the job we’re in and we live in fear of being fou...
So much of how we feel at work comes from the culture we find ourselves in – the unwritten rules of how it is to work in your organisation. How can you make your organisational culture one whe...